Make clean SMS with Message Box!!Make clean SMS with Message Box!!Message Box classify your SMS Messages into friends and unknown numbers messages.You
Make Clean SMS with Message Box !!
Make Clean SMS with Message Box !!
Message Box Classify Your SMS Messages Into Friends and Unknown Number's Message.
You can send and Receive SMS, LMS, MMS Message Through Message Box.
<Message Box Features>
-Simple and TIDY DESIGN
Send and Receive Messages.
-Attach Images and VideoS
-Save Attached Files
-Select Recipients Up to 100
-Setting the way of Receive Messages (POP-UP / Status bar / off)
1.8.7 / 1.8.8
-When adjusting the letter size in the settings
-Fix some terminal abnormal termination phenomenon
-Fixed battery overdose from some terminals
-Fixed a phenomenon stored in a message box when receiving a message without a reply number